Saturday, February 21, 2015

Do You GoNoodle?? Freebies for You!!

Hey Guys!!! I have a question for you.....

My class can't get enough of GoNoodle!!! And, neither can I for sooooo many reasons!!

Are your kids getting squirmy??? Time for a BRAIN BREAK!!!

Have something you need to look for or set up for your students and it might take you like 2 minutes (which is an eternity for a 5-year-old) Show them one to keep them busy and active during that time!

Have a birthday in your class?? Show one to celebrate!!!

Use it as a reward, an incentive, to charge them up OR to calm them down! You can even use it for indoor recess!!!

Whatever you use it for, your kids are going to LOVE it and so are you!!!

If you haven't signed up yet, you have to RIGHT. NOW!!!! It's sooo easy! You can sign up for FREE here!

Here's how it works!!

You will have a "channels" page that looks like this to choose the kind of Brain Break you want to do.

Our favorite lately has been this song  from the KooKoo Kanga Roo Channel. check out the video below to see my kiddos dancing! :) Sooooo fun!

When you click on the channel that you want, all of the Brain breaks that you can choose from will come up! This is the YouTube Channel!!!  I LOVE this one because the first window is a place where you can add ANY video that you want from Youtube and it saves it for you!!! So, you NEVER have to search for it EVER again!!! 

Go to Youtube and search for Just Dance Kids videos and save them all!!! They are PERFECT!!!! Here's just an example of one!! We play this one every time we have a birthday in our class!!!

Another GENIUS thing that GoNoodle has thought of is Indoor Recess!!!!! They have put together GoNoodle mixes that last up to 15-18 minutes long!!! 18 minutes of uninterrupted brain breaks!!! Just play it and let them dance, exercise and yoga recess away!!! ;)

Another feature that GoNoodle has is their Champs!!! "What in the world are those things for????," You might ask. Well, it's actually pretty ingenious!!!

Just pick your favorite Champ and the kids will LOVE this little creature!!!! It will become kind of like your Class Mascot for the next couple of weeks!!!

Now, each time your class watches a brain break, your Champ earns a point! This makes for an EXCELLENT transition time!!! Because, my kids know that I will NOT close the video and show them how many points our champ has unless they are back at their seats sitting quietly!!!! (I told you! Ingenious!!!!)

Now, every time your Champ gets up to 10 points, it earns a level and it GROWS!!!!

This makes for GREAT learning!!! What is one of our Kindergarten Common Core Standards??? Ways to make 10!!!! After we see how many points our Champ has, we figure out how many more we need to get to TEN!!!

So, I made this little GoNoodle Ten Frame for the class!! I ModPodged the ten frame to a cookie sheet and then I put packing tape over the bottom portion of it so that it is like a "dry erase" board now :) Then, I just laminated the coins and used a little E6000 to attach big button magnets to the backs so that my kiddos could easily manipulate them! Here's how it turned out!!! (Gotta LOVE those little magnetic erasers from the Target Dollar Spot!!! :)

You can click on the little picture below to grab your very own FREE GoNoodle 10 frame and coins if you want!! :)

So, once your Champ finished his 4th and final level, then he is finished and you have to pick a new class Champ!

Well, I definitely want to involve my class in the selection of our next champ, so last time I just picked a couple and we all raised our hands for a class vote....but, that wasn't good enough!! Ha!

So, I made these little survey sheets. Each sheet has 5 Champs on it. Now, I can give my class a sheet and we can survey the class and keep tallies to show our data. Then, we will graph our data to see who our winning champ is!

You can also click on the picture below to get your FREE survey sheets too! :)

Please let me know in the comments if these GoNoodle printables were helpful to you AND if you already GoNoodle or if you plan to start with your class on MONDAY!!! :)

Did I mention, it's all FREE?!?!?

Happy GoNoodling!!!!! xoxoxo


  1. We love GoNoodle too. Your ten frame idea is wonderful... We've just been doing it with our fingers. Have you had issues where some of the activities won't work? Or is it just our district's filter blocking some? I can do the Ninja one at home with my nephew and niece but it won't show at school. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing this! My students would rather do go noodle over anything else.

  3. We LOVE Go Noodle! Thanks for the fantastic freebies, Katie!

  4. Oh my Gosh! I love the 10 frame! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am planning on using Go Noodle when I go back after mat leave! I love how you connected it to math with the tens partners!!

    First Grade Garden

  6. OMG How did i NOT think of that! Katie- you are a genius! I am totally doing the 10 frame idea with my students and I know my admin will love that I'm connecting it to math! Thank you so much!!!

  7. Love the ten frame! Can't wait to share with my kiddos. They love GoNoodle! I heard about it on a blog at the beginning of the year. We were doing a GoNoodle one day when our 5th grade buddies came in. They loved it too. So I shared it with out entire school and now all grades k-5 GoNoodle and we hear all the kids singing the songs and talking about it on the playground.

  8. I also teach kinder and have been using GoNoodle all year! I did not think to really talk about how many more to make ten until you just said it. Brilliant! This is perfect! thank you so much!

  9. My class loves GoNoodle!! I love the ten frame!! What an awesome idea!! Thank you so much!!

  10. You are so SMART! Love the ten frame!

  11. We LOVE GoNoodle! Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas!

  12. My kinder babies love go noodle!!! We have leveled up almost all the characters. We have using our fingers to get to 10. I so love the 10 frame and can't wait to show to my babies on Friday, they will die! I added all our letter songs and other you tube videos to the youtube section and my kids LOVE this more than anything. We use it for brain breaks and intervention time. Thank you again!!!

  13. My kinders love gonoodle! We are currently using penny gee :) love the 10 frame activity too, can't wait to put mine together. Thanks for sharing!

  14. My kinders love gonoodle! We are currently using penny gee :) love the 10 frame activity too, can't wait to put mine together. Thanks for sharing!
