Wednesday, February 18, 2015

4 Valentines, and a Vision in a Rainstrom

So, you know when you have a vision?!?! You see something that inspires you and you have this idea...this picture in your brain and you go for it!!! But, you're never quite sure if your vision is going to work. Will it really turn out like that picture in your head??? Or...will it be a complete flop?! The term that comes to mind for those "tries"..."Nailed it!" Ha!!

Well, this time, it REALLY WAS a success!!!! This time, it really DID turn out like the picture in my head!!!

You guys, I am just OBSESSED with our new bulletin board!!!!!

So, it all started with this book. It is my absolute FAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been reading it to my class since I found this little treasure at a Yard Sale 10 years ago!! Did you know the story was published under TWO different titles?? My copy is actually Four Valentines in a Rainstorm. I think most people know it as The Day it Rained Hearts...but, the stories are the same. Just an FYI :) Don't be confused!!
Anyway, this story is absolutely PRESH!! I just LOVE it!! But, I never really had a super excitingly cute activity to go along with it. At least, not as cute as I thought it should be.....
.....and then, the week before Valentine's  Day, I just happen to see this on Amazon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could it be ANY more perfect!!! So, I ordered it immediately, clicked two day shipping and crossed my fingers!

It came!!!!!!!!!! And, it was perfect!!!

I brought a couple of pairs of my boys' rain boots to school and called a "Girl MOM" to see if I could borrow some girly ones too :)

So, I got out the camera....oh, wait!!! I forgot the camera, as usual!!!!!!!!! And, used my phone to take pictures!!! Uggggggh!!! It was just a few days before Valentine's Day!!! No time for trying to remember a camera!!! So, I went for it!!

I pinned up a little white bulletin board paper back drop and we struck some rainy day poses!!!

Seriously, are you dying over how cute these are?!?!

Next, it was time for an art project!!! We made our little clouds....

Now, after 11 years of teaching Kindergarten and using cotton for a million different projects over the years, I have learned there is a trick to stretching out the cotton!

Poke your finger up through the middle until the "end" of the cotton pokes out. take that "end" piece and start unrolling it!!! Yes, it VERY easily unrolls once you have found the right place to start!!!! Now you have a loooong piece of cotton!!!  Here's a close up of one of my students doing it :)

Then, we put it all together!!! We had some extra clouds that we decided to hang around the hallway and OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!! It could NOT have turned out ANY cuter!!!!!

 I mean, seriously!!! It doesn't get any cuter than this!! But, now I'm going to be on the look out for red and pink rain slickers, hats and boots!!!!!!!!! So, maybe next year, it will be even cuter than this!!