Saturday, March 28, 2015

Epic Spring Teacher Blogger Meet up in Review! TONS of PICS!!!

A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to get to take a little time for myself and spend the weekend in Indiana with some of my most favorite people in the world!!!! My blog buddies!!!! I don't get to see them very often, so when I do, it's a BIG deal!!!

To start our weekend, I met up with a good friend of mine, Erin Mullet from Erin's Ink. We used to work together and both taught Kindergarten at the same school for a couple of years. I just LOVE her!!! We hit the road and drove the 3 1/2 hours to French Lick, Indiana. A teeny, tiny town in the middle of nowhere with an AMAZING hotel and resort!!! It was just beautiful!!

The only thing was, when we got there, we found out that we were on the dreaded 6th floor!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! French Lick Hotel has been there for nearly 170 years and the 6th floor was said to have been HaUnTeD!!!!!!! WhoOoOoOoOo!!!!

Later on that evening, we met up with some of my favorite friends for Dinner!!!!!! Megan and Kim from KinderGals, Deanna Jump and Deedee from Mrs. Will's Kindergarten!! Kim's daughter-in-law, Ginny also joined us! Sweetest thing ever!!!!

Then, around 2:30 A.M. (It's a looooooooooooooong story) my beautiful, wonderful, bright, happy and smiling friend, Crystal Radke from Kreative in Kinder arrived!!! We have been roomies many times before and it was soooo good to see her!!!

We had sooooooo much fun being roomies!!!!

And, don't worry!!! Those ghosts didn't scare us!!!!

The next day, it was time for the meet up!!! We started off by making these letters to decorate the hall. Each table took a letter and had to decorate it with tidbits about themselves! It was so fun getting to know each other and hearing where everyone was from, what grade they taught and a word to describe themselves! We left our word up for the entire weekend! It was just the PERFECT word to describe this event!!!!

I mean, seriously!!!! Doesn't get much more inspirational than this......

The room was just packed with teachers from all over the country!!! And it was sprinkled with the perfect amount of decor from Schoolgirl Style!!!!

After lunch, we had a Teacher Tool Gift Exchange!!! It was so, so much fun exchanging little gifts and telling why they were some of our favorite teacher tools!!! I got lots of new ideas on stuff that I need to go out and grab for my own :) is the Kindergarten group. We were the biggest group by far!!

Then, we broke into little sessions and talked about all kinds of things from TPT to RCA to Engaging all of your students. Here we are listening intently to Deedee and Deanna <3 #moreinspiration
 And then, of course there was the teacher SWAG!!!!!!!! We got so, soooo many fabulous goodies!!! There are sooooo many companies out there who are all about THE TEACHERS!!!! Here are some of the goodies that we got:

A beautiful bag from Vera Bradley
Markers, stickers, and pens from Scentos!
Goodies from Go Noodle!
Prizes from Teachers Pay Teachers
A bag from Lakeshore

AND...........OMG!!!!! EVERY. SINGLE. TEACHER there got a Teacher Planner from Erin Condren!!!! It was seriously an Oprah moment!!!! We felt like we just won the lottery!!!!! Seriously! You should have heard the room EXPLODE when Holly announced it! (See her pic below....she said "and a planner for you, and one for you and you.....") Hahahahaha!!! I swear I saw one girl crying!!!

It was just so FUN!!!!!!

There were also thousands of dollars of products that were given away in drawings! It was amazing! They gave away over $12,000 in Teacher SWAG that day!!! INSANE!!!!
After we were loaded down with an insane amount of goodies, we dispersed for dinner.

AND then.......................

OMG!!!!!!!! This P.J. Party was EPIC!!!!!!! It was so, sooooo much fun!!!! Thanks to TPT and GoNoodle for sponsoring it!!!!

We Pop See Ko-ed the night away!!!!

Check out this video captured by my sweet friend, Brenda from Primary Inspired!!!! Seriously hilarious!!!! We LOVE you GoNoodle!!!!

PHOTO BOMBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out!!!!!!!!

Check out these little tables decorated to look like beds!!! So cute!!! We had to take some pics!! The beds were also stocked with pillow cases for us to decorate and take as souvenirs!!!

Have you checked out Deedee and Deanna's Guiding Readers units??? The "Lazy e" clipart was drawn by my girl, Erin!!!! So, Deanna had Erin decorate her pillow case with "Lazy e" on it!! Soooo cute!

So. Much. Fun.......

But, seriously, the BEST part of the weekend was just being with all of these amazing, wonderful teachers!!! These ladies ARE THE best of the best!!!! People who LOVE their jobs and give it there all!!!! What an inspiration!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, you thought we were going to be serious?!?! Ha!!!! Almost!!! Take a look at the zoomed in picture!! :)

This ENTIRE, AMAZING weekend was was planned and organized by my dear, adorable, giving, selfless friend Holly Ehle!!!

With the help of another amazing lady, Brittany Banister!

So, maybe you didn't get to make it this year....well, we STILL have 3 teacher SWAG bags to giveaway!!!! Here's what you get!!

Just enter using Rafflecopter below!

You can read about everyone else's weekend by clicking on the links below!!


  1. Wow! Just wow! Sounds like an amazing time. Such fantastic memories for you all!
    Always Kindergarten

  2. Girl, I just luv ya! I'm sooo glad you came this year! Wish I would have had more time to just hang out with ya! We will have to make up for that in Nashville next month! :) Can't wait!
