Sunday, February 8, 2015

Love is in the *iPad* Air Giveaway!

Hey Teacher Friends!!!!
Valentine's Day is just around the corner!!! And to show our LOVE and appreciation for YOU, we are giving away an iPad Air to one SUPER Lucky teacher!!!

Entering this Giveaway is SUPER easy!!! Just click on the rafflecopter below for your chances to win this AMAZING prize!!!!!!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

But, THAT'S. NOT. ALL......

Each one of my Blog Buddies that is participating in this giveaway is also giving away another techy prize to show our love for you!!!

Here's a little prize (actually TWO of them) that I put together for you!!!! I'm giving away a $25 iTunes Gift Card, PLUS my FAVORITE Learn to Read App. Called Rhyme to Read!!! You can read more about that app HERE in a previous post.

To enter to win those two awesome prizes, just enter this Rafflecopter!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now, don't forget to check out ALL of the other AWESOME technology prizes that my friends are giving away!!!!! Hop on over to their posts too and enter to win all kinds of prizes!!!!

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