Friday, June 6, 2014

The Evolution of Scentos and Teachers + A Giveaway!!!!!

Remember back in March of 2012 when I found THE most adorable markers EVA in the world?!?! I just happened to stumble across them at Dollar Tree and I bought up all they had!!!! I was obsessed with these fabulous little markers and emailed the company to see where I could find MORE!!!! You can check out my very first post ever about those markers HERE!!!

Here is the email I sent:

Here's the email they sent me back:

Ummmm....yes!!! Those WERE Scentos Markers!!!!! They sent me a box of Scentos goodies, I had a giveaway (You can read about it here) and shared some with some of my bloggy friends:

Yep, that's Deedee in the picture. She then, also did a review on Scentos and so did my friend Kathleen from Growing Kinders. Then, it just kind of spiraled OUT. OF. CONTROL!!!!!! My Scentos posts became viral and teachers EVERYWHERE were wanting those adorable markers of their VERY OWN!!!! :)

I STILL use Scentos EVERY SINGLE day in my classroom!!!! I LOVE them and so do my Kiddos!! Here is a picture of my #Scentosstache (as my friend, Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard would call it!) :)

I had to share this pic with you all!!! I was taking pictures to prepare for this blog post. It was the last day of school (no kids) we were all cleaning out our rooms. I was one of the last ones there and closed my door to take some pics for this post. I was laying on the floor in the middle of my Scentos when my principal flung the door open!!!!! He said "were you just taking a selfie?????" Ha!!!!!!!!! I was slightly embarrassed!!! LOL!!! The things we do for our blogs :)

Last, but not least, is my little Scentos display!!! I LOVE it!!! My husband is a machinist and I told him exactly what I wanted for my Scentos and he whipped this up! These markers were NOT meant to sit in a drawer somewhere!!!!! They are WAAAAAAAY too cute for that!!! :)

Want one of these for your very own???? I'm going to make my husband  ask my husband really nicely to make one for a lucky person!!! :) Yes, he WILL personalize it just for you :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love, love, love them! I love your post. I am wondering where you found the Santa scentos?!? Thanks for a great giveaway. Enjoy your summer.

  2. In my classroom, we call them "monster drool" :) because the creatures on the body look like cute little monsters. If you've had a good day, you can pick your favorite scent, and I draw a monster drool-face on your hand as you're walking out the door:) They love it! I also love to grade with them occasionally.

  3. love them. mine are sadly in a basket. totally need the holder! found mine at michaels last summer for 10 cents :) wish i would have bought them ALL!

  4. You need to make these available for purchase! I would definitely buy one, but I would love it even more to win one :)

  5. My preschoolers would love these!!!

  6. I absolutely love these markers.

  7. My Firsties love Scentos almost as much as I do. In fact, the day after a student returned from an absence, her first question about what we did the previous day was "What color was the marker of the day?"

  8. Oh boy my children go crazy over them. I homeschool them and they are the markers they always want to use but our $ store always run out... I d love to win. thank you

  9. I buy them every time I see them. My collection nearly rivals yours. My kids especially like the erasers. They are perfect for little hands and most lasted the entire year.

  10. I have to find these markers asap!! They match my monster themed classroom perfectly and my kiddos will love them! Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

  11. I have never used these but would love to try them!

  12. Is it crazy that I have yet to buy one?! I almost did last year at BTS time, but I think I was afraid my 3rd graders would constantly be sniffing their papers or the markers themselves if I let them use them?! What are your thoughts on this? I don't want my kiddos getting "high" on markers!

    Thriving in 3rd

  13. LOVE that little marker caddy! Adorable!

  14. We love Scentos! The kids are so excited to use them each day.

  15. My favorite Scentos memory this past year is that every Friday at dismissal time, my Kinders had me draw a heart, flower, lightning bolt, etc. with "the smelly markers" so they could smell them on the bus ride home. :)

  16. I am a Scentos collector also! I love your display rack that your husband made! All mine sit standing up in an old baby wipes container on my desk. This would add some bling! I have so many I would need to switch them often - more fun!

  17. Scento Markers would be a great incentive for my students when writing! Even my big kids love smelly markers!

  18. Sento's brings me back to my childhood - would love to share it with my students!!!

  19. I'm not sure who's more obsessed with Scentos...Me or my Kindergarteners!! :)


  20. Love these!

  21. I Love Scentos....and I Love anything with my name on it!!!! Pick Me Pick Me!

  22. I am OBSESSED with Scentos markers!! Your display is the cutest thing ever! I want one!

  23. Love the look, love the scent and love the fact that my kiddos LOVE them! Scentos smiles for everyone :)

  24. Have not tried them yet but we love our Mr Sketch smelly markers!

  25. I have a set for school, a set for home and even bought a set for my nephew because he fell in LOVE with them lol.

  26. Scentos are awesome!!!! I love using them when I differentiate in my classroom.

  27. Replies
    1. Chrissy!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking about you when I typed this post!!!!! How are you??? Miss you, friend!!!!!!! :)

  28. What fun markers. Love love love them!!

  29. My kids love it. They love getting a scented stamp when they complete their work.

  30. These markers are so fun! The kindergartners get a kick out of smelling them and guessing what the scent is.

  31. I absolutely love this!!! Plus, I know my sweet seconds would love it too! Your husband could probably have his own business just making these for teachers!!!

    Theresa @ True Life I'm a Teacher!

  32. I first used SCENTOS in my kindergarten classroom last year in Japan. They were a hit with my EFL learners. I used the SCENTOS as rewards or gifts, and for use during centers.

  33. I LOVE them, my own kids LOVE them, my students LOVE them! Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. Love Scentos! I have always loved smelly markers, and my kinders love them too!

  35. Scentos are the best! My kids love to write their spelling words with them!

  36. I too love Scentos and use them everyday! This may sound a little strange, but they are like legal crack! Not that I sniff them that much, I just mean my kiddos beg me to put a star on their papers with them everyday, they just can't get enough. They get so excited with their smelly stars that you would think I gave them a That holder is too cute! Love it! Your husband rocks!

    Luv My Kinders

  37. How can I have never heard of these???! Gotta get some soon!

  38. I seriously have a Scents problem! I use them every chance I get!!

  39. I LOVE Scentos and am on the hunt for the new chisel tip markers!!! :)

  40. I love scentos! I use them in my writing center. I would love to display them in a holder like that!!

  41. Scentos are so fun! Love their stamps too! The marker holder is awesome! :)

  42. I'm going marker-hunting TOMORROW!!! :) Thanks for sharing!

  43. Scents will be my new "fun toy" next school year

  44. I love that your principal walked in as you were taking the selfie! :) You'll think I'm crazy, but I've never used scentos markers! I would LOVE to try!! :)
    Mrs. Black's Bees

  45. I LOVE scentos! I have a huge collection and the kids just have a blast using them. They always were excited when I pulled them out!

    Down the Learning Road

  46. I love your marker holder!!! My kids and I love scentos. They loved them so much, they started looking for them when they went shopping with their parents and would report back on what store had them and where they were.

  47. OBSESSED!!!!! Absolutely love love love them! My first and second graders love getting new ones. I would love to be able to display them in this way!

  48. I would LOVE to try them!!

  49. I love these markers! What a great display!

  50. Love these markers. Michael's has matching sprial notepads right now!

  51. My kids love these markers a ton!

  52. Would love to win! Fingers crossed :)

  53. The kids LOVE these markers!! Target had some great deals at the end of "Back to School" season last fall.

  54. love these markers!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. Those are much cuter than Mr. Sketch markers. I have an obsession with markers. I must have these.

  56. I love Scentos!!! We use them everyday!!! ( I font have quite as many as you - but I'm on my way!)

  57. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this!!! Can we purchase????

  58. I use Scentos and smelly markers every day in my kindergarten classroom too! My kiddos get so excited to smell their star after I check their work! They enjoy guessing which smell it's going to be. Sometimes they check so quickly that it hasn't even dried yet and it ends up on their nose! I love using them!

  59. Must try these. Thanks for the chance to win a special holder. Love to read your blog. My husband is my best helper, too.

  60. I love these and I LOVE how handy your husband is.. what an amazing idea!! I need to buy more markers and get on this! xo hopefully he can sell these, hehe...

    Thanks girl for your awesome post and for your giveaway!

  61. I have never used these and would LOVE to try them!! =)

  62. We use them every single day! I would LOVE to have my very own holder for all of them!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  63. I just finished my first year as a Kindergarten teacher and had no idea about the scentos markers. I will be purchasing some over the summer and would love to have the holder for them! This would be a great addition to my desk! Thanks for the giveaway!

  64. I love their stampers, I didn't realize they had markers too!!!

  65. Scentos Markers are the reason my kiddos LOVE to go to Work on Writing! That holder is TOO cute! Can't wait to see if I win and need to start restocking for August!

    Kinder Kraziness

  66. My kinders and I LOVE Scentos! Your husband did an awesome job on the Scentos holder!

  67. I was visiting a class yesterday and got out one of my markers and the other teacher looked at me and said that none of the kids were going to go by her because she didn't have a smelly marker lol I shared of course! :)

  68. I need to try these. Sounds like fun!

  69. I am out of the loop. I have not heard of these. For shame. My kinders would love them. I will have to search for then for next year.

  70. We are obsessed with Scentos!

  71. I've never seen Scentos. I need to get on the ball!

  72. My Pre-K class would love these.

  73. i would love to try them. i haven't seen them in the stores here - will look for them :o)

  74. Super cute! I need one of those holders for mine! :)


  75. I love Scentos!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!!

  76. I love Scentos and my students love them even more! They create instant engagement!

  77. Katie, is it crazy that I have never tried Scentos. I have never been able to find them where I live.
    ✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten

  78. I think they are fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win some for next year!

  79. I love them!! They are the greatest and such cute faces on them.

  80. I love the Scentos Selfie!! I bought some at Wal-Mart for the first time this year and my kids went nuts over them.

  81. I love the Scentos holder!!! Its so perfect!

  82. I use these as a reward in my kiddos love them!

  83. I too use Scentos daily! I can't get over how they turn the act of writing into the greatest smelly event ever. I even started adding the Scentos pens to our writing center. My kiddos love being able to use these adorable tools.

    Searching for Teacher Balance

  84. I love listening to the kids talk about what scent they think they are smelling! Plus their super cuteness makes them fun to use!

  85. Even my 2nd graders love them!!!!

  86. I love these, too! An assistant I had last year got me a couple of pens and notepads and I was hooked!!

  87. I am probably the only teacher on the planet that has not had the joy of using these cute markers with my Kinders. I hope that I win this great giveaway. Thanks for the offer! :)

  88. Would love to try these markers in my classroom!


  89. I heart Scentos! Everytime they are on sale at Michaels I grab just about all their stock... I would love the Sscentos display holder. I agree...they are way too cute to keep in a box or somewhere else. And my daughter just loves the holiday ones!

  90. My kiddos love these as I do but my problem is that I lay them down and can't find them so this would be perfect for my somewhat questionable organizational skills. Thanks for the chance. It would be great.

  91. I have never tried them. I will be on my way to the local Micheal's to find some for my class. Thanks for the giveaway. It would be a great addition to my desk.

  92. I love scentos though they are IMPOSSIBLE to find around here! I have to hunt high and low for them! I'm hoping they appear a little more this summer! This stand would be fabulous to win to hold my collection I am hoping to make this year!

  93. What a fun way to keep kids engaged! Scentos are a great learning tool!

  94. What a fun display! My kiddos love Scentos too!

  95. I love using these in preschool, and a display would make it twice as fun.

  96. I need to win this..... Wouldn't Mrs. Candy
    Look so cute on this! Please pick me I need this!!!

  97. You totally caught my attention with that great display from your husband! I agree - the Scentos are way too cute to be put away. They need to be seen!

  98. Well I love smelly markers of all kinds, but the display is too too cute!!

  99. The kids just LOVE them, so I try to use them fairly regularly as a treat! They're just FUN!

  100. My students and I LOVE Scentos!! Thanks for this opportunity. :)

  101. I have never bought a Scentos marker! I have seen them many times and just have never bought one :-( After reading your post, I am SO buying some this year...I know my TK kids will love them! A stand for them would awesome! Thanks for offering this!

    Jen Lawson

  102. I have some smelly markers that my kids love, but I have never bought Scentos. I have heard all about how great they are on so many teacher blogs that I am determined to get some this summer so I am ready for next year!!
    Kari :)

  103. I love using Scentos! I use them for our Morning Message. The kids love it!

  104. I love these markers and would love to win the give away!

  105. I LOVE using Scentos for anything!!! They are great!!

  106. I purchased 3 Scentos during Christmas last year... my students LOVED them! Scentos were perfect for our daily word work activities... will keep an eye out for them this summer to purchase more. Katie Mense-What a terrific way for Scentos cuties to be displayed!

  107. Love Scentos, but they're kind of hard to find by me!
