Monday, December 23, 2013

The Best Teacher Gifts EVER Linky Party

After receiving the most amazing gift this Christmas season that a teacher could receive, I was inspired to write this post. (You'll have to read to the end to find out what it was :)  Maybe this post, or one linked to it, will inspire you to think of a creative way to thank your child's teacher! ;)

Soooooo, after teaching for 10 years now, people often ask me what my favorite gift was or "what should I get my child's teacher...what do you like to get??"  

Well, let's face it, it's always nice to get Gift Cards. As teachers, you put soooo much money into your class each year and after Christmas, it sure is nice to go into Target or Dollar General and pull out that gift card to pay for your weekly teaching supplies :)

I've also gotten things "just for me". Something personalized or a Gift Card to a spa or favorite restaurant is always a treat!!!

I also LOVE getting those Super thoughtful gifts. Even if the family can't afford to go out and buy a present, a really nice note can go a looooong way!!!!

Sometimes teachers need to be lifted up!!!!  Sadly, a lot of times, teachers don't hear the good things that people have to say. Many times, the only time they hear from parents are when they are upset about something, or when something is going wrong. And, then there's the media. So often, the only things we hear from them, are the things that are going wrong in our schools. When, in actuality, for the majority of our schools, there are sooooo many things that are going RIGHT!!

Here are some of the AWESOME gifts that I got this year!!! I LOVE all of these!!! I can tell that a lot of thought and planning went into these gifts, which makes them even more special! <3

So, needless to say, after the last day of school before break, I was feeling pretty good....feeling pretty loved and appreciated.

THEN, I got home and after chasing my own babies around for a while, I sat down to my computer and checked my Facebook page. I noticed some notifications, so I clicked on them and I just could NOT believe what I found. There was a video on my timeline that a family from my school had tagged me in. They are an absolutely amazing family of 10. I have had 5 of their 8 kids over the years and they are ALL such wonderful little people. And, when their parents would come in to volunteer in my classroom, it's very easy to see why! ;) Very down to Earth, REAL, genuine, GOOD people.
As I sat at my computer, tears streaming down my face, watching this AMAZING gift, my heart was touched in a way that I cannot express. The impact that this little video left on me is indescribable.

  Here is what I saw...

Teachers! Do you have a favorite gift that really just touched you and made your heart happy?? Share it with us and link up below!!


  1. What an amazing gift and sweet family. That is truly awesome!!

  2. Love this, Katie! What wonderful gift!


  3. Wow! That is so sweet. It is so special when you get to build relationships with families like that! Happy Holidays!
    Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

  4. So sweet! I cried too watching it. I know you must be a truly remarkable teacher.

  5. Oh wow, Katie! This is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a thoughtful gift! It's times like this when you can shake your head and say, THIS is why I teach.

  7. This is the sweetest gift ever!!! What a great keepsake!!! :)

    All Things Apple in 2nd

  8. What an awesome way to be celebrated!!! :)

    This was the first year that I got a gift card to BevMo. Hahahha. That was awesome!!

  9. That is a beautiful tribute!

    This was the year that I received almost zero gifts--I'm grateful for the 2 that were shared with me. I wish that more people realized how valuable a kind word can be. A gift doesn't have to cost a dime. :-)

    Happy Christmas!
    <3 Chrissy

  10. That's the reason that teachers keep teaching. That was an amazing tribute to you as a person as well as a teacher. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  11. Wow! That was an awesome gift! You must feel so blessed and inspired by something like that!

  12. What a sweet present and something I'm sure you will cherish forever! I had a parent this year include a sweet, little note along with her child's gift that made my day. Feeling appreciated can often be the best gift of all :) Have a Merry Christmas!

  13. Wow! I love getting a note from parents. I personally am not a big fan of whole class gifts (which has become very big in our area). I'd much prefer hand written notes and a plate of cookies or a mug over a single gift card that most the kids don't even know they participated in until they get my thank you note. Merry Christmas!

  14. That is so fantastic. What a great gift and a thoughtful family. Have a Merry Christmas

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  15. Your gifts are wonderful! A great relection on you as a teacher!

    Learning in the Little Apple
