I have finished up my sports themed and Ocean themed stoplight behavior management systems and you can check them out now in my TPT store!!
Here is the ocean one: click on the picture below to check it out at TPT.
I decided on "Officer Octopus" to watch over your classroom to make sure everyone is following the rules! I think he's pretty cute:)
Here is the Sports themed one: Click on the link below to check it out on TPT!
And "Mr. Umpire" will be watching over your classrooms to make sure everyone is following the rules!
I also have matching locker/cubbie nametags in my store just like the jungle nametags I posted previously!
I have gotten an email for a PIRATE themed set...so, I will be working on that next! Hopefully I will have it up in the next week or so!!!
I just found your blog and became a follower. Your management things look cute!! I will have to check them out!