Does anyone else order the little graduation hats from Really Good Stuff?? I like them because they are inexpensive and you fit them to each kinders head....that means they will actually stay on during graduation with no need for scotch tape or bobby pins:)
The sad thing is....we used to order their tassels to go with them, but for some reason they DISCONTINUED them!!?! So, we had to figure something else out because we don't like the cardboard tassels that come with them.
Now we make our own tassels!! Here's how to do it:
Pick 2 different colors of yarn. Wrap one color around a small book about 6 times (this book is about 4x6")
Wrap the second color around about 6 times.
Slide the yarn off the book.
Stick a piece of yarn through the middle of the loop.
Tie this piece of yarn in a knot. (this will be what your tassel hangs, you will have to decide how long you want it to be)
cut another length of yarn to tie around the middle/top.
Tie it in a knot.
Cut off the bottom of the tassel.
Here is a pic of our graduation hat with a homemade tassel attached:)
Needed that info!
I searched for quite a while for inexpensive graduation tassels and graduation caps and gowns before I came across