Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free Easter Literacy Center!

Hello Everyone!!
Thank you all for taking the time to take a peek at my blog!! AND thanks so much to Mrs. Wills over at for giving me some blog traffic:)!!!! I wanted to do something to say thank you to EVERYONE who has checked out my blog, left a nice comment AND for all of my new followers:)
So, here's a little present:) It's a Easter Literacy Center! Your students will look at the pictures on the cookies, sort them into the correct jars, and record their answers on the response sheet. You can have your kinders sound out the word and do their own invented spellings, or glue the  provided labels to the backs. My plan to organize this center is to bind the four digraphs into a flip book for each kiddo at the center. Print out a whole set of cookies for each kiddo at the center, cut them out and glue each set on a different color construction paper to help them keep track of which set is theirs.
Click on the picture below to download this center from google docs!!

Here is a cute little story I found to help teach these digraphs. It's a story about "The H Brothers" and the sounds that they make:) It also has cute little clipart with it. I enlarged the heads and glued them on craft sticks. The kids love them and it helps them remember the sounds:)
HaPpY EaStEr!!!!!


  1. Have you checked out April's blog...Chalk Talk? She made some GREAT signs to go with the brothers!

  2. Thanks Ali!!! I'll have to check that out!!!;)

  3. You are very welcome! Just keep your awesome-ness coming!!!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  4. Love this download! This is a tough concept for some of my kinders! thank you!!


  5. Thanks for the freebie! My kids are finally picking up these diagraphs....
