Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hear All Assessment Recorder Giveaway

A while back, Learning Resources very generously gave me two of their products to review. You may remember when I blogged about their Easi Speak USB can read that post HERE.  Yep, that was quite a while back!! Well, I got through my really rough 3rd trimester and my drug-free (NOT by choice!) labor and delivery and have been enjoying some time with my precious baby boy, Finny:)

Well, it's time to get back to business!! Today I am FINALLY writing my review on Learning Resources other AWESOME product...the Hear All Assessment Recorder! Check this baby out:
This is essentially, your extra set of ears:) See how it has a speaker on all 4 sides??  This allows it to pick up sound VERY well!!  And you can just set it on the table and walk away while it records what your students are doing.

You can't be everywhere at once and as much as you'd like to think you just CANNOT see and hear everything that goes on in your classroom. Well, this little device can help you with that!! You know, at center time, when you have a group that needs a lot of your attention...but you also have that group that always seems to get into trouble and never gets their work done-but when you ask them what they have been doing you can never get a straight answer???? Well, just put this little guy in the middle of that group and hit record while you go and help the other group. It's like you're in two places at once!!!! That group now knows that all you have to do is play back to see what was going on!;) Now everyone stays on task and everyone gets the help they need. Yipppeeee!

You could of course, use this for guided reading. Let students read while it is recording. This definitely keeps them on task  Now they can play it back to see how they sounded! What a confidence booster!

I also use this device for assessment. Testing things like counting to 100 are so time consuming-but you have to sit and listen intently....NOT ANYMORE!!! Now you can just hit record and let the child count on while you move on to the next student and start testing them. You can play it back later to see how that child did.

This thing is so small, light weight and EASY to use!!! Want to know the best part????  Just like the Easi Speak, this thing requires NOOOOO batteries!!!!!!!!!!!  It has a USB cord that you can use to upload and /or CHARGE!!!! Yep, just plug it into your computer and it charges right up!!

Wouldn't you just LOVE to own one of your very own???? Well, you can!!! Use Rafflecopter below for your chances to win this awesome little gadget!!!! (Side note-this is my first attempt at Rafflecopter! Hope it works!!!;)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to check out more from Learning Resources?? You can check them out here:

Learning Resources Facebook Page

Learning Resources Twitter Page

Learning Resources Pinterest Page

Thanks and good luck!!!


  1. I would love to win this for my class! I would use this with my little ELL guy and my reluctant readers, so they can hear how they read! Plus, I'd love to be in two places at once and listen to all the little conversations that go on when they're supposed to be working lol!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. I would use this with my struggling readers as motivation to read. There's something about hearing their own voices that makes my students WANT to read!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  3. I would use this while progress monitoring for RTI. It would also be great during guided reading groups. I also would love for the students to be able to hear themselves read - really motivating!

  4. I would love to use this at literacy centers. There are so many possibilities... have students read sight words from a powerpoint or flipchart, record students buddy reading, even just listening to see how students interact with one another. The possibilities are endless!

  5. I would use this during Read to Self time. Students can practice reading and then listen to themselves.

  6. Ugh! Auto correct! THINGS I could do!

  7. I love the counting and monitoring idea you shared. I would also use if for fluency.

  8. I would use this for fluency, recording running records and daily 5. Thanks for the opportunity.

  9. I would use it for fluency and let my students listen to what they sound like when they read.

  10. I would like it during center time for assessment! I really think the kiddos would get a kick out of hearing themselves on it!

  11. Love the idea of using it for assessments...and in kindergarten we have a lot of formative assessments that we need to give but since they can't write it's done one-on-one or in small groups. We progress monitor our kids about once a month... having them record their letter/sound fluency, rote counting, sight words, etc. could be solved with this nifty gadget.

  12. Not only would I use it for assessments. I would also use it for problem solving. We are a Leader In Me School and work with the 7 Habits, so I could read a problem and have kids explain how they would use a 7 habit to solve the problem like a leader. I would have students solve a math word problem and then explain how they solved in on the recorder. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for a terrific giveaway!

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