Thursday, March 31, 2011

Read Across America & Dr. Seuss

Welp, I'm on Spring Break right at the moment and just got back from a 4 day trip from Puerto Vallarta last night....back to reality!! I figured I had better get on the computer now and update everything while my babes are in bed:)
Last week our school celebrated Read Across America...I know, it's a little late. But, we decided to push it back this year due to our scheduled ISAT testing. So, here are my literacy centers for the week:
This was a super fun center from Kathleen Pedersen's Dr. Seuss packet at TPT! In this center, the kids use a pencil and a paper clip as a spinner. They spin to see which word they write and then they spin to see what they will write the word with. I slightly modified this center to use words that my kiddos were working on that week.

This is also a center from Kathleen's Dr. Seuss packet! In this center the students roll the dice to make words. They then record it on their response sheet according to whether it's a "Dr. Seuss word" or a real word:) Kathleen's center comes with dice to print out and make, but I just used these foam cubes. I have TONS of them. Target has these cubes in their back to school dollar bins and I use them for all kind of things!!! Then, I made up these little work mats to help the kiddos put their words together. Using the works mats helps some of my more struggling students remember that the blue block always stays in the middle:) Here is a google doc link to the mat that I made to go along with this center, if you're interested:) Let me know if this link doesn't work:
The last center that we did was a grammar center where they had to sort singular and plural words. Their sorting mats had fox on the singular mat and socks on the plural mat. After all of their cards had been sorted, they recorded their findings on their response sheet. I created this center and you can check it out at my TPT store:)

Here are a couple of other fun activities that we did:
Of course, we made green eggs and ham!!! I like to let the kiddos make them! Then they can see that nothing fishy went into making them:) They kind of realize that they really are just eggs and it seems like more of them are willing to try them that way:)
 Of course we have to graph our findings:) As you can see, most of them LoVeD them!!
I also made these little chocolate green eggs!!!! I told them it was their dessert! How stinkin' cute is this?!?! I found the idea at this blog:
All you need is candy melts, green M&Ms, wax paper, a template, and a squeeze bottle. Check out her description on how to make them!! It was really VERY easy!!
These are the candy melts I used...It was called "Candi Quik" I found it at Target. (The squeeze bottle I found at Michael's)
One last thing...and I'm SUPER excited about these cute little creations that I came up with:) They are hand print Thing 1 and Thing 2's!

It's very simple! Just paint the child's palm white and fingers blue. Then stamp that hand on construction paper. (I chose yellow so that the white face would stand out) Then I painted the other hand red. Paint the entire hand red, except for the child's middle finger. when you stamp that hand, make sure to place the red palm directly under the white one that was already stamped on the paper. Tell the child to put their 3 middle fingers together (It helps if you hold them together) and their thumb and pinky should be spread away from the other fingers. Set aside to dry. When that is dry, just paint a white oval in the middle of the red print. Set aside to dry. Last, you will draw on his face and the writing on his shirt with a black sharpy. Wallah!!! You have THINGS!!!!


  1. OMG! Thing 1 and Thing 2 are so CUTE!!!! I love them! I love doing handprint art, I do one every month. I will be adding these to my Dr. Seuss unit. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yay!! Glad you liked them:) It's so nice to get comments and know that someone out there benefits from one of your ideas:) Thanks for taking the time to comment:)

  3. Love the Thing handprints! I'll be doing this project with my class next week :) The candy melts are also really cute and creative!

  4. Love the Thing 1 and 2, I will totally be trying this in Pre-k class for read across america week!

  5. Thank you for the cute ideas!!!

  6. These are great ideas! Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely be doing this with my Pre-K classes next week.

  7. May I use a photo with a link on my blog?

  8. I was an elementary school teacher for 10 years b/f my son was born 5 years ago...and seriously, those Thing 1 and 2 handprints are one of the cutest ideas I've EVER seen! Love celebrating Dr. Seuss and LOVE this idea. I think I'll be trying it w/my own Things 1, 2, & 3 at home! Thanks for sharing such an adorable idea!

  9. Found you through Pinterest. Love Thing 1 and Thing 2- my son and I are making them today!

  10. Thanks for the handprint idea. We did this today!

  11. Thanks so much for the handprint idea. I made them with my kiddos tonight. I also thought the chocolate green eggs were great. I made those for my daughter's pre-k class. Thanks again!
